Conditio Uliginosa, Kampnagel, 2019
conditio uliginosa
uliginosus, uliginosa, uliginosum (lat.): belonging to the swamp, swampy, growing in the swamp
As a ubiquitous metaphor, “swamp” mostly describes tough or dangerous conditions as well as difficult, problematic or dubious conditions. The performance questions the swamp as a heterotopia and deals with the myths of getting stuck, fictions of sinking and phantasms of the viscous, ‘feminine’ mass. Beyond social attributions, conditio uliginosa examines the swamp for its physical, aesthetic and political dimensions with the help of choreographic, dance and sculptural means.
Premiere: 28.6.2019 International Center for the Finer Arts Kampnagel Hamburg
BY & WITH: Verena Steiner (Concept, Composition & Performance), Franca Luisa Burandt, Kattalin Newiger Michelena (Composition & Performance), Konstantin Buchholz, Nágila Freitas Reis, Franziska Jakobi, Stephanie Schottenhamel, Antonia Silva, Ina Vöhringer (Performance & technical support), Elli Robertson-Walker (sculptures), Yvonne Peters, Vincent Dombrowski (Sounddesign), Noah Holtwiesche, Su Jin Kim, Roland Matthies, Andrea Müller, Jochen Roller (dramaturgical support), Michelle Outram, Christian Grundey (support production)
Fotos: Emma Szábo
Video & Cutting: Christian Grundey
Durational Performances
Feel jazz II: Tentacular Dances, Hafenklang, 2020
A decentralized durational performance dealing with entities from far below see level.
Photography: Yunus Hutterer
Feel jazz I: bristly and fluffy, Gängeviertel, 2019
Do not touch.
A biotopic durational performance of mushrooms, roots and the peculiarity of the lizard.
Photography: Yunus Hutterer
Franca Luisa Burandt is currently finishing her MA-program Performance Studies (Uni Hamburg)with the dance-physical theater piece „u (klein geschrieben)“, which is now part of the sommer-summarum Festival 2020, Bremen. Back in 2016 she finished her BA-studies in Physical Theatre (Accademia Teatro Dimitri). Most recently she cooperated with the dancer Minako Seki and showed her work “In a cocoon” on the miniatures and the Hajde! Festival. She works between dance, text, figure theatre and installative reading formats.
Verena Steiner, born in Vienna, is a freelance choreographer, dancer, musician and pedagogue. She studied Contemporary Dance at the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität in Linz (Upper Austria) and graduated in 2019 with a Master’s degree in Performance Studies from the Universität Hamburg. In her artistic work she is concerned with the extended notion of choreography. She has many years of musical training in piano and singing and performs with her own choreographies, in collaborations and as a dancer and musician for choreographers, musicians and visual artists in Germany, Austria and abroad. Previous performance venues include Impulstanz Vienna, Kampnagel Hamburg, Wiener Festwochen, New Museum New York City, The Art Gallery Vienna, Brucknerhaus Linz, International Theatre Festival Sibiu, Mo.e Vienna, MPA Berlin, Bildrand Komma-Schräg-Filmfestival Vienna. The DanceWEB Scholarship of Impulstanz Wien, the Advancement Scholarship of the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität, the Critical Endeavour Scholarship of Jardin D’Europe, the Training Scholarship of Tanzquartier Wien, the Deutschlandstipendium as well as the Leistungsstipendium of the UHH supported her already in her professional career. In spring 2021 her new piece “Ungeheuer (AT)” will be premiered at Kampnagel, sponsored by the Kulturbehörde Hamburg.
Kattalin Newiger Mitxelena works as a dancer, performer and physical teacher with a focus on physical change processes, exploring the gaze and visualizing female* protest.
She studied B.A. theater and educational studies in Mainz/Germany and La Réunion (France) and currently M.A. experimental Performance Studies in theory and practice in Hamburg. The clases in Tamalpa Life Arts, Action Theater, BMC, Modern Dance and Martial Arts have a special influence on her work. She recently co-directed with the director Sara Ostertag at the Staatstheater Mainz, with the dance company dansgroep in the Performance Art Depot Mainz and the hamburger dance teacher Eva Bernhard. Since 2019, she has been part of the performance collective b/w*itch, which explores the continuities of witch hunts in bodies and biographies.